Jameson Annex medical expansion project

During the 2019 Legislative Session, Governor Kristi Noem requested Senate Bill 174, An Act to make an appropriation for the construction of a health services building and renovation at the Jameson prison annex on the grounds of the state penitentiary and to declare an emergency.

The Jameson Annex opened in 1993 with 288 beds for male inmates. In 2006, Unit D opened, adding 192 beds to Jameson, but with no additional health services space added. The count for the Jameson Annex on January 1, 2019, was 531, almost double the original design.

The Jameson Annex includes maximum security and specialized housing, while also serving as the admissions unit for all male inmates. All admissions require a health intake assessment. In Fiscal Year 1993 there were 773 male admissions processed through Jameson; in FY 2018 there were 3,007. In FY 2018 there were 2,833 patients treated with 22,330 patient encounters.

There is a need for additional clinic space, infirmary beds and dental operatories to provide services to the growing inmate population. There is also a need for additional work space for staff and health care providers. Insufficient work space for staff and providers presents privacy and confidentiality issues for patient care. A lack of work space also creates issues in providing services as health care staff and provided services are not all co-located. 

The appropriation will provide a total of 8,800 square feet of new space. Health services and dental space will increase from 2,550 square feet to 5,650 square feet. The number of medical exam rooms will increase from 2 to 5, while dental operatory rooms will increase from 2 to 4. The overall infirmary space will increase from 1,920 square feet to 2,900 square feet and from 8 beds to 20 beds.

The appropriation will also provide funding to remodel the vacated infirmary space in Unit A of the Jameson Annex for behavioral health services. Unit A houses offenders with severe mental illness, transitioning offenders with mental health issues and offenders in restricted housing. The remodel will also provide designated space for behavioral health services in proximity to Unit A to include space for mental health professionals, a chemical dependency counselor, clinical and group room space. 

There will be an addition of 5.7 full-time equivalents (FTE) for security to create one additional 24/7 correctional officer post. 


Project timeline (subject to change)